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University of Pisa Summer - Winter Schools & Foundation Course Foundation Course in Sciences (FCS)
University of Pisa Summer - Winter Schools & Foundation Course

Foundation Course in Sciences (FCS)

1 Years

Englisch, Italienisch


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EUR 5.000 / per year

Vermischt, Fernunterricht, Auf dem Campus


Der Foundation Course Science (FCS) umfasst 60 Credits (CFC) und dauert ein Jahr, aufgeteilt in zwei Semester.

Lessons are taught in English and there are 24 CFC of Italian language from the A1 to the B2 level.

Mandatory modules consist of 51 CFC and students can choose the remaining 9 CFC among several optional modules.

Das Programm umfasst 40 Stunden Studium, das sich auf die Vorbereitung des TOLC-MED-TESTS konzentriert. Behandelte Fächer sind Logik, Biologie, Chemie und Physik.

Das FCS bereitet Schüler auf naturwissenschaftliche Fächer wie Medizin, Zahnmedizin, Gesundheitswissenschaften, Informatik, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Ingenieurwissenschaften, Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Pharmazie und Physik vor. Die Module des Programms basieren auf den Lehrplänen der naturwissenschaftlichen Fächer des letzten Jahres, wie sie an italienischen naturwissenschaftlichen Gymnasien angeboten wurden.

Schüler, die Lücken in Mathematik haben, können im September vor Beginn des regulären Unterrichts (Grundlagen der mathematischen Sprache) einen Vorbereitungskurs (Math0) mit engagierten Tutoren besuchen.

Akademischer Koordinator: Prof. Marco Polini

Mandatory modules

Grundlegende mathematische Sprache (6 CFC)

Physik (9 FCKW)

Chemie (6 FCKW)

Biologie (6 FCKW)

Italian Language and Culture (24 CFC)

Elective modules

First semester (6 CFC)

Grundlagen der Ökonomie und des Managements (3CFC) / Ökologie für die Landwirtschaft (3CFC) / Einführung in das philosophische Denken (3 CFC) / Italienische Geschichte (3 CFC), Einführung in die Filmgeschichte (3 CFC)

Second semester (3 CFC)

Goesciences (3 CFC) / Logic and Reasoning (3 CFC) / Italian literature II B (3 CFC)/ Advanced Math (3 CFC)/ Introduction to European Law (3 CFC)

What is the foundation course?

The Foundation Course is a study program composed of two fields of study: Humanities (Foundation Course in Humanities-FCH) and Sciences (Foundation Course in Science-FCS), taught in English and primarily aimed at candidates who do not possess the minimum schooling requirements outlined in current legislation for enrolment at Italian universities.

Attendance of the Foundation Course is mandatory and students must accumulate all the credits provided by the course in order to obtain the final qualification.

The modules available within the Foundation Course are taught in English and a certificate of knowledge of the English language at a B2 level is required.


- What other options do you have for this program?

Geisteswissenschaften, italienische Muttersprachler, Module zur freien Wahl.

- Can I pay for this program in installments?


- What is the admission process for this program?

The application period is from 31/01/2024 to 29/02/2024

You must apply only for one program (Humanities, Science, Native Italians, Single modules) by going here

There are 140 spots available (70 for Humanities and 70 for Science).
Native italians and Single modules are counted separately.

Upon completion of the assessment process, successful candidates will be informed by email by 15/03/2024 and they will be asked to pay the first fee and to sign the Responsibility Agreement by 22/03/2024. After this they will receive the acceptance letter within two weeks and they will be asked to apply for the Visa through the Universitaly portal (if non-EU students).

The first fee is 1016 euros

Should the number of successful candidates exceed that of the available places, we will consider admitted candidates the first 70 for Science and the first 70 for Humanities in chronological order according to when they have submitted the application for the program.

Should some of the successful candidates decide to withdraw or not to pay the first fee by 22/03/2024 they will be excluded from the program.

Please note that if we will not reach 140 students accepted within the first intake (31/01/2024-29/02/2024) we will open a second intake from 29/03/2024 to 19/04/2024. Finally, if even within the second intake we will not reach 140 spots we will open a third intake in May.

The list with successful and rejected candidates related to the first intake will be published in our website ( by 20/03/2024

Each candidate will be identified in the ranking list through the ID number given by DreamApply during the application procedure.

- What documents are required to apply to this program?

If you want to apply for the Foundation Course the following documents are required

  1. Passport
  2. Secondary school leaving certificate obtained after at least 11 years of school + transcript of records of the last school year.
    If you have not obtained your Secondary School Qualification yet, it is enough a school enrollment certificate along with your transcript of records (original and officially translated in English or Italian). The deadline to submit the final school certificate is 30/09/2024.
  3. English language certificate (B2 level at least) or proof of one full year of school in English.
    We do accept the following certificates: IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge English qualifications and Duolingo
  4. Declaration of Value or CIMEA Statement of Comparability and Statement of Verification of your Secondary School Certificate. Deadline to obtain the documents is 31/05/2025.

**If you obtained your High School Diploma in one of the countries under the Lisbon Recognition Convention/ Countries of the Enic Naric networks ( you can submit the Statement of Correspondence, as an alternative to the Declaration of Value or Statement of Comparability . Please note that the Statement of Verification is in any case required. You can download the Statement of Correspondence from the ARDI database. Please select the country in which your academic title has been issued, choose upper secondary school education and choose the level of your academic title (in your case EQF 4). After this click on “>” and finally select “click here to download the PDF version of the document”.

Info about the Declaration of Value here
Info about the CIMEA certificates here

Send us an email to find out more

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