BA (Hons) Global Business and Entrepreneurship mit Gründungsjahr
4 Years
Antragsfrist beantragen
Feb 2025
GBP 9.250 / per year
Auf dem Campus
Unser BA-Studiengang "Global Business and Entrepreneurship with Foundation Year" soll Ihnen die wesentlichen Elemente vermitteln, um Ihr unternehmerisches Potenzial zu maximieren.
Wenn Sie nach einer Plattform suchen, um Ihr technisches Geschäftsverständnis zu entwickeln, mit einer beruflichen Struktur, die Ihre unternehmerische Denkweise kontinuierlich verbessert und weiterentwickelt, ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige für Sie.
Unser BA-Studiengang Global Business and Entrepreneurship with Foundation Year bietet einen anderen Weg, um Ihre akademischen und beruflichen Ziele zu erreichen - vor allem, wenn Sie einen Studiengang benötigen, der sich mit Ihren beruflichen und familiären Verpflichtungen vereinbaren lässt.
Das Grundjahr dieses Kurses hilft Ihnen, die notwendigen Fähigkeiten und das Grundverständnis aufzubauen, um in den folgenden drei Jahren erfolgreich zu sein. In den folgenden Jahren wird die Intensität Ihres Lernens schrittweise erhöht - Sie bauen Ihr Verständnis für Unternehmertum und das Management neuer Unternehmen aus, während Sie im letzten Jahr einzigartige Lernpfade erkunden können.
Unser BA (Hons) Global Business and Entrepreneurship mit Foundation Year bereitet Sie darauf vor, das Potenzial Ihrer eigenen Geschäftsideen zu verwirklichen - vom Bewusstsein für das Erkennen lukrativer Chancen bis hin zu den Fähigkeiten, die Sie benötigen, um sie in die Tat umzusetzen. Dieser Kurs hat eine ansprechende Struktur, die Sie auch durch dynamische Organisationen führt und zeigt, wie sie Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten, wirtschaftliches Wachstum und sozialen Wandel schaffen.
Sie werden Ihr Gelerntes und Ihre Ideen ständig testen, indem Sie Unternehmertum in realen Szenarien im Klassenzimmer üben und so Geschäftsplanungsfähigkeiten entwickeln, die für den unternehmerischen Erfolg entscheidend sind. Dieser Kurs untersucht auch die Theorie und Praxis des Unternehmertums in verschiedenen Kontexten und erlangt ein klares Verständnis dafür, wie Strategie, Taktik und Innovation in verschiedenen Geschäftsmodellen bewertet werden.
Unsere Branchenexperten vermitteln ein klares Verständnis dafür, wie Unternehmen gegründet und ausgebaut werden können und wo auf dem Weg nach potenziellen Fallstricken gesucht werden kann. Sie profitieren außerdem von persönlicher, persönlicher akademischer, beruflicher, finanzieller und gesundheitlicher Unterstützung durch unser Sozialteam.
- Aufnahme: September, Januar, Juni
- Dauer: 4 Jahre
- Vergebende Institution: Oxford Brookes University
- Verliehene Qualifikation: BA (Hons) Global Business and Entrepreneurship mit Foundation Year
- Lieferung: Werktags, abends und/oder am Wochenende
- Standorte: London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds
Stipendien und Finanzierung
Finanzierung Ihres Studiums
All students can access student finance.
Tuition Fee Loans
A Tuition Fee Loan covers the cost of your tuition fees. This is paid directly to your awarding institution (in this case Oxford Brookes University). Loan repayments only start once you have finished your course and are earning £26,575 a year or more. Both full- and part-time learners can apply.
Maintenance Loans
If you are eligible, you can also apply for a Maintenance Loan to cover living expenses. This loan is paid directly into your bank account at the start of the term. Maintenance Loans are repaid after you finish your course and your earnings are above & pounds;26,575 per year.
Maintenance Grants
You can also apply for a Maintenance Grant to help with living costs. Maintenance Grants are paid directly into your bank account at the start of the term. You don’t have to pay them back, but any funds you get will reduce the size of the Maintenance Loan you could receive, should you also wish to apply for one.
New students must prove they have been living in the UK for five years before their course start date to get living cost support from Student Finance England.
This course includes the following modules during the first three years of study. The final year of study has six unique Pathways that each explore contemporary issues in today’s business and entrepreneurship landscape. You will undertake the specialist module relevant to your chosen Pathway.
Foundation Year
- IT Essentials
- Academic Research and Writing Skills
- Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial People and Processes
- Business Environment
- Fundamentals of Finance
Year 1
- Entrepreneurial Recognition, Ideas and Opportunities
- Managerial Finance
- Introduction to Marketing
- Introduction to Business Strategy
- Entrepreneurial Organisations
- Project Management
Year 2
- Business Ideas and Opportunities Generation
- Digital Marketing and Social Media in Business
- Financing a Business Venture and Legal Aspects
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Business Planning and Pitching
- Entrepreneurial Development
Year 3
- Market Research
- Global Strategies
- Project
- Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship
- Contemporary Issues in Events and Hospitality
- Contemporary Issues in IT and Communications
- Contemporary Issues in Professional Business Services
- Contemporary Issues in Supply Chain
- Contemporary Issues in Retail
This course uses an authentic assessment strategy to ensure that each module takes you into realistic real-life situations, providing a formative Pathway for assessing the learning goals of both specific modules and the overall programme. The assessments in the majority of the modules allow you to use your own business ideas, therefore allowing you to receive detailed feedback and time to reflect and develop your proposals further.
Assessment on the course is designed to provide suitable opportunities for you to demonstrate a full range of knowledge, skills and competencies that are key in the business environment. Assessment methods include essays, reports, real-life simulations, presentations, projects and group debates.
You will be required to work on your own time to complete research, homework tasks or group work. Self-study is vital to your success in this course and lecturers will give you guidance on how best to approach this throughout the study period.
Assessment methods at GBS are reviewed annually and may be updated based on student feedback, to suit content or based upon feedback from an External Examiner. An External Examiner is an independent academic expert from an external Higher Education Institution that acts as a safeguard to academic assessment standards.
Specialised Pathways
Our BA Global Business and Entrepreneurship course offers you a selection of specialised Pathways in the final year. The first three years of study are designed to give you a structured trajectory of learning, gradually building your business acumen and entrepreneurial abilities before embarking on intensive studies in the final year towards your intended career path.
The balance of foundation, intermediate and advanced learning makes this course a worthwhile investment, with targeted career development to ensure that you are prepared to start your future career with confidence. Business ideas are being devised every day, but the ones that succeed have people with the right skills and understanding at their core.
This course provides the building blocks to be successful across a wide range of business ventures with the understanding of strategy, tactics and innovation needed for you to realise your ambitions. The global perspective gained in this course is also highly regarded by leading employers who are searching for graduates with the right balance of skills, business insights and entrepreneurial talents to take their businesses to the next level.
Our BA Global Business and Entrepreneurship course provides Pathways designed to build graduates who can make a big impact wherever their careers may take them.
The specialised Pathways for this course are:
- BA (Hons) Global Business and Entrepreneurship with Foundation Year
- BA (Hons) Global Business and Entrepreneurship (Events and Hospitality) with Foundation Year
- BA (Hons) Global Business and Entrepreneurship (Information Technology and Communications) with Foundation Year
- BA (Hons) Global Business and Entrepreneurship (Professional Business Services) with Foundation Year
- BA (Hons) Global Business and Entrepreneurship (Construction and Supply Chain) with Foundation Year
- BA (Hons) Global Business and Entrepreneurship (Retail) with Foundation Year
Was werden Sie erreichen?
Die Kombination aus praktischen Einblicken, fortschreitenden Beurteilungen und anregenden Kursmodulen stellt sicher, dass Sie mit einem Abschluss von einer der besten Institutionen Großbritanniens für eine erfolgreiche Karriere im Gesundheits- oder Sozialwesen gut gerüstet sind.