Bachelor of Arts in Internationalen Beziehungen
Munich, Deutschland
3 Years
Antragsfrist beantragen
Feb 2025
EUR 14.100 / per year *
Auf dem Campus
* für das siebte Semester beträgt die Gebühr 6.750 €. Für Genf betragen die Studiengebühren 28.980 CHF pro Jahr, plus 14.490 CHF für das siebte Semester
Der Business Workplace wird immer internationaler. Das Programm für internationale Beziehungen ist ideal für Studierende, die daran interessiert sind, die Breite des globalen Wissens, das die Kursarbeit für internationale Beziehungen bietet, und die in Businesskursen erworbenen Fähigkeiten zu kombinieren. Die Studierenden lernen, die Rolle wichtiger Akteure, Strukturen und Prozesse in Wirtschaft und Politik zu erkennen, zu analysieren und zu bewerten.
Dieser Studiengang verbindet eine globale Perspektive der internationalen Beziehungen mit den praktischen Fähigkeiten des unternehmerischen Denkens. Da Unternehmen expandieren und die nationalen Grenzen verwischen, agieren sie in einer immer komplexeren Landschaft. Diese Spezialisierung vermittelt ein solides Wissen über das globale wirtschaftliche Umfeld, wobei Politik, interkulturelle Werte und Ethik als Schlüsselkomponenten anerkannt werden. Studierende, die dieses Programm absolvieren, werden darin geschult, eine globale Denkweise und kreatives Denken auf das Konfliktmanagement und die Konfliktlösung anzuwenden und dabei Wachstum und Gewinn zu berücksichtigen.
- Dauer: Sieben Semester / drei Jahre (240 Credits)
- Standorte: Barcelona, Genf
- Unterrichtssprache: Englisch
- Anfangsdaten: Oktober / Februar / Juni / August
- Eintritt: ganzjährig
- Semestergebühr: 6.450 €
Abschluss verliehen
Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Programms erhalten Sie einen privaten, international akkreditierten Bachelor-Abschluss der EU Business School Switzerland und einen staatlich akkreditierten BA (Hons) in Business Management der University of Derby . Diese Bachelor-Studiengänge sind zusätzlich vom Chartered Management Institute (CMI) akkreditiert, was Ihnen die Möglichkeit gibt, eine zusätzliche internationale Qualifikation zu erwerben: CMI's Diploma in Management and Leadership.
Studierende, die ihr Wissen erweitern möchten, können ein zusätzliches Semester belegen und ein Diplom für fortgeschrittene Studien (30 ECTS) erwerben, das von der Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM), Spanien, akkreditiert und staatlich anerkannt (título propio) ist.
A sample of the International Relations program courses:
- Diplomacy & Foreign Policy
- Conflict Management
- International Peace & Security
Option 1: EU Bachelor's Degrees
This is a six-semester, three-year program with 210 ECTS. The first year comprises core courses to provide students with a solid base in all fundamental business areas. Specialization subjects are incorporated from the third semester onwards. On successfully completing six semesters, two final case studies and a dissertation, students earn an internationally accredited bachelor’s degree from EU Business School Switzerland and a state-recognized university bachelor's degree from Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), Spain, (título propio).
Year 1
Semester 1
- Business Management
- Managing People & Organizations
- Marketing & UX
- Impactful Communication
- Finance & Accounting
- Innovative Technology in Business
Semester 2
- Project Management
- Applied Data Analytics
- Economics & Enterprise
- Responsible Management
- Digital Branding, Advertising & Media Channels
- Creativity & Design Thinking
Year 2
Semester 3
- Logistics & Operations
- Digital Business
- Financial Reporting & Analysis
- Entrepreneurship & Business Development
- Financial Accounting
- Business Finance Management
Semester 4
- Strategies in A Disruptive World
- Marketing in Action
- Business Research Methods
- Digital Economy
- Web Design & Web Analytics
- Digital Leadership
Year 3
Semester 5
- Creative Business Cases
- Transformational Change Management
- Innovation in Business
- Introduction to Data Science
- Digital Transformation
- Entrepreneurship in Digitalization
Semester 6
- Business Consulting & Project Management
- Entrepreneurial Leadership
- Professional Soft Skills
- Financial Derivatives
- Consulting & Auditing Services
- The Future of The Financial Service Industry
Option 2: Bachelor's (título propio) + BA (Hons) in Business Management
This is a seven-semester, three-year program with 240 ECTS. The first-year core courses provide students with a solid base in all fundamental business areas. Specialization subjects are incorporated in the third, fourth and fifth semesters. In the third year, students focus on business management to equip them with key managerial concepts, theories and tools necessary for any business field. Upon the successful completion of two final cases and a dissertation, students earn a university-specific bachelor’s degree (título propio) awarded by Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), Spain, and a Certificate of Specialization in one of the seven majors from EU Business School Switzerland. In addition students are awarded a state-recognized BA (Hons) in Business Management from the University of Derby, U.K. To earn these degree titles, students study in a hybrid learning environment.
As well as opening doors in the business job market, this option is recommended for students wishing to do graduate or post-graduate studies at a public university and/or work in the public sector.
Year 1
Semester 1
- Business Management
- Managing People & Organizations
- Marketing & UX
- Impactful Communication
- Finance & Accounting
- Innovative Technology in Business
Semester 2
- Project Management
- Applied Data Analytics
- Economics & Enterprise
- Responsible Management
- Digital Branding, Advertising & Media Channels
- Creativity & Design Thinking
Semester 3
- Logistics & Operations
- Digital Business
- Financial Reporting & Analysis
- Entrepreneurship & Business Development
- Boosting Creativity
- Digital Skills Development
Year 2
Semester 4
- Strategies in A Disruptive World
- Marketing in Action
- Business Research Methods
- Web Design & Web Analytics
- Digital Economy
- Digital Leadership
Semester 5
- Creative Business Cases
- Transformational Change Management
- Innovation in Business
- Corporate Finance Fundamentals
- Real Estate, Pension Investment Funds & Trusts
- International Financial Management & Financial Institutions
Year 3
Semester 6
- Global Business & Strategy
- The Business Consultancy Project Part I
- Marketing Across Cultures
Semester 7
- Developing Leadership & Management
- The Business Consultancy Project Part II
- International Entrepreneurship
Credits: 210 or 240 ECTS
Degree Awarded
Option 1: Bachelor’s degrees (título propio)
- A university-specific bachelor’s degree (título propio) awarded by Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), Spain.
- A Certificate of Specialization in one of the seven majors from EU Business School Switzerland .
Option 2: Bachelor’s (título propio) + BA (Hons) in Business Management
- A university-specific bachelor’s degree (título propio) awarded by Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), Spain.
- A Certificate of Specialization in one of the seven majors from EU Business School Switzerland.
- A state-recognized BA (Hons) in Business Management from University of Derby, U.K.
- International learning environment that creates multicultural understanding
- Improve communication skills for more effective leadership
- Learn from an outstanding faculty of business professionals and academics
Learning Outcomes
Students learn how to analyze information gathered from reliable sources, and will also learn how to effectively share their insights and assessments with others. In addition, students who take this program will also:
- Identify the theoretical tools necessary to understand the international system.
- Analyze how and why diplomacy is conducted.
- Demonstrate skills related to working in a multicultural environment.
- Sharpen political-thinking skills through real case study analysis and problem-solving approaches.
Studiengebühren für das Programm
Der Bachelor of Arts in Internationalen Beziehungen vermittelt den Studierenden Kenntnisse in allen wichtigen Geschäftsbereichen sowie Fachkenntnisse im Bereich der internationalen Beziehungen. Zu den Themen gehören Konfliktmanagement sowie Diplomatie und Außenpolitik. Studierende, die diesen Abschluss erfolgreich abschließen, könnten an den folgenden Stellen interessiert sein.
- Lobbyist
- Trade Officer
- Global Policy Analyst
- International Business Development Manager