Hochschuldiplom in Recht und Sprachen
Online United Kingdom
2 up to 4 Years
Vollzeit, Teilzeit
05 Sep 2024
Oct 2024
GBP 14.544 *
* Die Gesamtkosten für eine Teilzeitbeschäftigung mit 60 Credits betragen 3.636 £ pro Jahr.
Jura mit Französisch, Deutsch oder Spanisch zu kombinieren, ist nicht nur anregend, sondern auch ein kluger Karriereschritt. Sie werden Ihr Studium zu gleichen Teilen auf beide Fächer aufteilen. Sie erhalten eine solide Grundlage in den Schlüsselkonzepten des Rechts und in der Anwendung der von Ihnen gewählten Sprache.
Mit dem Diploma of Higher Education in Law and Languages schärfen Sie Ihr juristisches Bewusstsein und erwerben Fähigkeiten in juristischer Analyse und Methodik. Das Studium einer modernen Sprache öffnet Türen zu anderen Kulturen und Gemeinschaften und kann ein Schlüssel zur globalen Arbeitswelt sein. Der Name Ihres Diploms wird Ihre gewählte Sprache widerspiegeln (z. B. Diploma of Higher Education in Law and German).
Die Rechtsmodule in dieser Qualifikation decken nur das Rechtssystem in England und Wales ab, nicht in anderen Teilen des Vereinigten Königreichs.
- Entwickelt ein solides Verständnis für die Rolle des Rechts in der heutigen Gesellschaft.
- Vermittelt Ihnen ein Rechtsbewusstsein und die Fähigkeit zur juristischen Analyse und Methodik.
- Entwickelt Sie zu einem selbständigen Benutzer der von Ihnen gewählten Sprache und erreicht das Niveau B2 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen.
- Entwickelt solide Kenntnisse über die Kulturen, in denen die gewählte Sprache verwendet wird
- Verbessert die Kompetenz in interkultureller Kommunikation.
Dieses national anerkannte Hochschuldiplom entspricht auch den ersten zwei Dritteln des BA (Honours) Law and Languages (R56).
Unsere Qualifikationen sind so zugänglich wie möglich, und wir verfügen über ein umfassendes Angebot an Unterstützungsleistungen. Unser Diploma of Higher Education in Childhood and Youth Studies verwendet eine Vielzahl von Studienmaterialien und umfasst die folgenden Elemente:
- Online-Studium - die meisten Module sind online, einige haben eine Mischung aus gedrucktem und Online-Material. Zu den Online-Lernressourcen können Websites, Audio/Video und interaktive Aktivitäten gehören
- Online-Tutorials
- Gruppenarbeit
- Verwendung und Erstellung von Diagrammen und Bildschirmabbildungen
- Praktische Arbeit
- Online-Suche nach externem/fremdem Material
- Zugang zu Online-Katalogen und Datenbanken
- Bewertung in Form von Kurzantworten, Aufsätzen und Prüfungen
- Feedback - zu einer kontinuierlichen Bewertung gehört auch das Feedback Ihres Tutors und die Nutzung dieses Feedbacks zur Verbesserung Ihrer Leistung
- Vorgegebene Zeitpläne - wir helfen Ihnen, Ihre Zeitmanagementfähigkeiten zu entwickeln
Wie lange es dauert
- Teilzeitstudium - 4 Jahre
- Vollzeitstudium - 2 Jahre
- Zeitliche Begrenzung - 12 Jahre
Knowledge and understanding
You’ll be able to demonstrate:
- The concepts values, rules and principles of the legal system in England and Wales, and some awareness of the powers exercised by the devolved legislatures in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
- A range of areas of substantive English law and their impact on individuals and society.
- The social, political, economic, historical and ethical dimensions of law.
- The ability to communicate fluently and appropriately with competent speakers of at least two languages in a broad variety of oral and written contexts, including academic ones, maintaining a good degree of grammatical accuracy and appropriate style.
- Solid knowledge and understanding of aspects of the societies of the countries where each language is spoken (including aspects such as literature, cultures, linguistic contexts, politics, geography, and social and economic structures).
- Solid intercultural communicative competence, including a reasoned awareness and critical understanding of the cultures and societies associated with each language and the ability to describe and evaluate the similarities and dissimilarities between cultures and societies with your own.
Cognitive skills
You’ll be able to demonstrate your ability to:
- Ask and answer appropriate questions about law and legal systems, identifying gaps in your own knowledge.
- Combine and criticise various sources of legal authority, identify their merits and shortcomings, and make a reasoned choice between them.
- Apply legal principles and authority to develop reasoned answers to questions.
- Make use of a wide variety of written, spoken and multimodal texts for different audiences in your chosen modern language and/or English, employing appropriate reading and listening strategies.
- Write texts of different types in your chosen modern language and/or English, following appropriate structures and conventions, including academic language, selecting and making critical use of written and spoken sources.
- Make spoken presentations on particular topics, using appropriate styles and techniques, and take part in a wide variety of spoken interactions in your chosen modern language, using appropriate discourse strategies.
- Interpret and critically evaluate evidence in the light of alternative explanations, arguments and theories.
Practical and/or professional skills
You’ll be able to demonstrate your ability to:
- Conduct independent legal research.
- Identify, retrieve and evaluate legal information from a range of electronic and other sources.
- Acknowledge the sources of information that you have used, in a style appropriate to the task.
- Gather and process information from a variety of paper, audio-visual and electronic sources, in English and your chosen language.
Key skills
You’ll be able to:
- Communicate relevant ideas clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, and work with a range of textual, numerical and statistical data.
- Reflect on your own learning and development, making effective use of feedback, and demonstrating a willingness to acknowledge and correct errors.
- Demonstrate the ability to independently find, critically evaluate and use a wide range of information, data or tools accurately in complex contexts.
- Recognise and use effective learning strategies.
This diploma has two stages, each comprising 120 credits:
- In Stage 1, you’ll study a 60-credit introductory law module. You’ll choose your language and study two 30-credit language modules.
- Next, in Stage 2, you’ll study two 30-credit law modules and a 60-credit language module in your chosen language.
Stage 1 (120 credits)
You'll choose one from:
- Exploring languages and cultures (L161)
- Introduction to French studies (beginners) (L102)
You'll choose one from:
- Criminal law and the courts (W111)
- Civil justice and tort law (W112)
You'll study the following:
- Französische Studien 1 (Mittelstufe) (L112)
You'll choose one from:
- Exploring languages and cultures (L161)
- Introduction to German studies (beginners) (L103)
You'll choose one from:
- Criminal law and the courts (W111)
- Civil justice and tort law (W112)
You'll study the following:
- Germanistik 1 (Mittelstufe) (L113)
You'll choose one from:
- Exploring languages and cultures (L161)
- Introduction to Spanish studies (beginners) (L106)
You'll choose one from:
- Criminal law and the courts (W111)
- Civil justice and tort law (W112)
You'll study the following:
- Spanish Studies 1 (intermediate) (L116)
Stage 2 (120 credits)
You'll study both of the following:
- Public law (W211)
- Französische Studien 2: Sprache und Kultur der französischsprachigen Welt (L222)
You'll choose one from:
- Family law (W230)
- Business and employment law (W240)
- Evidence law (W250)
- Völkerrecht, Umweltrecht und Weltraumrecht (W260)
You'll study both of the following:
- Public law (W211)
- German studies 2: language and culture of the German-speaking world (L223)
You'll choose one from:
- Family law (W230)
- Business and employment law (W240)
- Evidence law (W250)
- Völkerrecht, Umweltrecht und Weltraumrecht (W260)
You'll study both of the following:
- Public law (W211)
- Spanish studies 2: language and culture of the Spanish-speaking world (L226)
Sie wählen eine aus:
- Family law (W230)
- Business and employment law (W240)
- Evidence law (W250)
- International, environmental and space law (W260)
Our assessments are all designed to reinforce your learning and help you show your understanding of the topics. The mix of assessment methods will vary between modules.
Computer-Marked Assignments
- Usually, a series of online, multiple-choice questions.
Tutor-Marked Assignments
- You’ll have a number of these throughout each module, each with a submission deadline.
- They can be made up of essays, questions, experiments or something else to test your understanding of what you have learned.
- Your tutor will mark and return them to you with detailed feedback.
End-of-Module Assessments
- The final, marked piece of work on most modules.
- Modules with an end-of-module assessment won’t usually have an exam.
- Some modules end with an exam. You’ll be given time to revise and prepare.
- You’ll be given your exam date at least 5 months in advance.
- Most exams take place remotely, and you will complete them at home or an alternative location.
- If a module requires you to take a face-to-face exam, this will be made clear in the module description, and you will be required to take your exam in person at one of our exam centres.